

MBA,IIM Kozhikode CFA -Level 3 (Cleared)
10+ years in Investment Management

Dr. M. Sumathy

Principal(Retd), Sri Sarada College of Education, Salem

Seniors Hive is a digital engagement platform dedicated to older adults above 50 years of age, providing them with meaningful learning and engagement opportunities online.

Our mission is to address one of the biggest pain points for elders - loneliness - by connecting them with peer groups and providing avenues for social interaction.

In today's world, where evolving social structures and the need for younger generations to work away from home have left many elders to take care of themselves, and as a result there are limited opportunities for family engagement, with very few social interaction avenues available to them. This is where Seniors Hive steps in, offering courses in various art forms and expert talks on topics that matter most to elders.

We firmly believe that learning opportunities and meaningful engagement with peers are the keys to solving the loneliness issue among elders. Our services are currently available only in Kerala, but we aim to expand our reach and create a positive impact on a large number of elders in the future.

As a social venture, we provide all classes for free on our platform. However, to fulfil our mission, we require the support of like-minded individuals who share our vision of providing a better life for our elders. Therefore, we urge everyone to spread the word about Seniors Hive and join us in our mission.